Thursday, December 10, 2015

My body- A Whole New World!

Did you like my fifth grade cliche?  It’s poignant because that’s when you’re supposed to begin learning about your body and the amazing things it can do like make a baby!  Here’s what I learned in my entire sexual health education. The anatomy breakdown.  That boys had to masturbate because they needed to but girls should never touch themselves “down there.” Periods had all kinds of great slang names like Aunt Flo and riding the cotton pony!  Being with a boy could make you pregnant so use a condom, or better yet use abstinence, and that my thighs didn’t have a space between them unless I forced them to hyper extend, so therefore I was fat.

Sound familiar?  I literally took a shower in high school immediately after making out with a boy who’s pants got wet and weirdly my pants were wet so...


Fast forward a good 15 years from that night, a couple rounds of different birth control pills from then, and find me getting rid of my implanon BC stick in my arm because for the first time I said, I think I do want to get pregnant.  My 10th anniversary gift to my husband were the words “Let’s try,” and so we did.

My wise childhood best friend who had been trying and was now pregnant from the miracle of IVF said "I’ll send you a book.  It will change your life."  It was called “Taking Charge of your Fertility” and it really did change my life.  

No, I didn’t get the book and then get pregnant hence the life change.  I read the book and got mad, really MAD.  I have had every opportunity given to me and am highly educated so I was mad that no one taught me any of what was in this book.  I had heard rumors along the way, but no hard information.  No real understanding of what was happening in my body for years and no real understanding of what my body was doing now.

It's still hard to believe that I was even in this place, but it's true. I have learned so much since! The next series of books to change my life are these. More on that later.

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